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Helga Schager

"Die verbotene Frucht oder die sündige Vulva"
3-part object
Helga Schager, 2020

With her work "Die verbotene Frucht oder die sündige Vulva" (The forbidden fruit or the sinful vulva), artist Helga Schager calls for participation in a new interpretation. 
Stories and history are largely written by men for men. So too, the Christian creation myth sown on patriarchal soil.
Helga Schager's protesting vulva-apple tells a different version of this idea. Eve is an independent female individual (and not just a rib part of Adam), she has the courage to eat from the tree of knowledge and thus acts independently and self-determinedly. The expulsion from paradise by a patriarchal, power-obsessed, despotic heavenly man does not take place, but a feminist goddess* allies herself with her. 

The symbolism of the artist's golden demonstration signs can also be understood as a call. Instead of a phallic #banana, a sinful vulva should also mark a museum ....... #cunt seal!

Website Helga Schager