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Sirup and EDITION: invite you to a very special Halloween Happening!
We open the gate to hell at 8 pm and are looking forward to you being there early for the opening ritual by M.C. MONSTER*.
We are excited for a very special performance created for this event: ZÜCHTEN by N & T — be there at 9 pm to see it.
We might then need to hold on tight to fellow creatures when MALAZESSIA opens yet another gate.
The second half of the evening we will host a Costume Contest, we can't wait to see what you come up with.
M.C.Monster* is a queer-feminist media club that approaches the fantastic genre with a focus on horror. At regular meetings, topic-specific films are shown, texts are read, lectures are offered, exhibitions, cinemas and evening events are visited and (re-)discussed.
After the summer break, we will meet again for a GET TOGETHER!
If you fancy an evening together, a creative exchange and lots of input, come along!
What can you expect this time?
M.C.MONSTER* has been invited by EDITION: to take part in the Halloween happening EDITION: HELL at Sirup Linz on 31.10.24 .
Mit dem Projekt „5 vor 12. Unerhörter Widerstand“ wurde in Linz ein Ort geschaffen, der an die bisher wenig beachtete Rolle von Frauen* im Widerstand gegen das NS-Regime erinnert. Die Künstlerinnen Sabrina Kern und Mariel Rodríguez haben eine Audio-Skulptur gestaltet, die diese Zivilcourage würdigt. Mitte September 2024 wurde das Denkmal am OK Platz in Linz eröffnet. Heute senden wir Auszüge der Reden von Sabrina Kern und Mariel Rodríguez sowie einen Beitrag von Martina Gugglberger, Historikerin und Universitätsprofessorin an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz.
Alexia Achilleos and Iyo Bisseck examine the effects of technology on power and control structures as well as colonial dynamics. Following the lectures, the artists will discuss with Aileen Derieg.
When & Where ❯❯❯ September 7, 2024 ❯❯❯❯ 5 - 7 pm ❯❯❯❯ Kunstuni Campus, Hauptplatz 6, Linz ❯❯❯❯
Wilderness Gardens is an immersive gaming experience that explores spatial reflection, access and the impact of technology on the control of resources. It critically questions the colonial continuum and the norms of civilization. ❯❯❯ Festival & exhibition opening ❯❯❯ September 5, 5pm ❯❯❯ Salon FIFTITU%, Domgasse 14, Linz ❯❯❯
In the current broadcast, we continue our coverage of the "FORUM KEP: Pay the Artist now!" event, which took place at Theater Phönix in mid-May 2024. Having already presented audio excerpts from the first part in the June broadcast, this time we focus on the discussion about the current status of the fair pay strategy.
M.C.Monster* is a queer-feminist media club that approaches the fantastic genre with a focus on horror.
At monthly meetings, we show films on specific topics, read texts, offer lectures, visit exhibitions, cinemas and evening events and discuss them.
On July 4, 2024, we will discuss the film "Ginger Snaps" (2000, directed by John Fawcett, screenplay by Karen Walton) and read texts about it. We will pick up on the Menstrual Monster theme from the last meeting and also ask ourselves in what way the film differs from traditional stories about (mostly male) werewolves and how the themes of coming of age and gender are negotiated in it.
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