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Bericht - Fahrende Händlerinnen des widerständigen Wissens

Bericht - Fahrende Händlerinnen des widerständigen Wissens

Cruise on the St. Nicholas on June 27, 2015

A photo gallery of the 2015 cruise was snapped for us by Petra Moser.

DORFTV was also there. Shipping experts Nicola Abler-Rainalter, Iris Kästel and Martha Egger provided information on the preliminary round of talks. Link to the expert talk (55min)

Jerneja Zavec has put together a sound collage of the boat trip for us. Sound collage (16min)

On Saturday, June 27, 2015, the "Traveling Merchants" took to the water again. This year we navigated around the concept of "resistant knowledge" with the St. Nikolaus on Lake Traunsee.

Discussing together at themed tables, we moved around the ship, inspired by the "World Cafe" and "Blackmarket for Useful Knowledge" methods.

Everyone was invited to collect, trade and exchange knowledge. There were three topics to choose from: "Everyday Resistance", "Feminist Resistance" and "Historical Resistance". We exchanged ideas in discussion groups at the respective host's table on the main topic.1st topic table - Everyday Resistance: The host at this table will be Ms. Nicola Abler-Rainalter. We will be discussing the topic of "non-violent communication" with her.2nd theme table - Feminist resistance: Iris Kästel and Guggi Spitzer from the Salzkammergut Women's Forum will tell us about "Feminist resistance in the region", about the "Ebenseer Glöcklerinnen" and more.

3rd theme table - historical resistance: The host of this table will be Martha Egger, an expert on the topic of "Resistance and partisans in the Salzkammergut". She is the daughter of the unfortunately deceased "resister" Leni Ecker.

"Traveling merchants of feminist knowledge" in 2012:

"Traveling merchants of activist knowledge" in 2013:

"Traveling merchants of musical resistance" in 2014: